Sunday Week in Review

By Jane Carr


What have you been reading, writing, and making this week? Let us know in the comments below.

Goings-on this week: 

Sochi Special Zones: As long as Vladimir Putin doesn’t actually have to *see* your rainbow flag…he may not send you to Siberia.

Melissa Harris-Perry offered a moving apology to the Romney family on her show on Saturday. Many folks pointed to Mitt Romney’s classy acceptance, which, sadly, has not been emulated by many of Harris-Perry’s “critics” (we’re using that term loosely). Others noted the difference between Harris-Perry’s apology and Ani DiFranco‘s.

Why deconstructing and dispensing with the term “mentally ill” helps everyone.

We know we said we’d quit it with the lists, but it’s not our fault. How could we resist linking to  Jessica Valenti‘s top ten favorite feminist articles of 2013, courtesy of The Nation? Read them all!

#stoneddavidbrooks, #drunknatesilver, and #deblasionewyork walked into a bar…we only wish. In other news, this photo of the De Blasio family riding the subway wins the Internet in 2014 (and is second only to this for all time win).

The Pope left an adorable Happy New Year voice message for some Spanish nuns.

The New York Times reviewed Akashic Books’ USA Noir anthology, edited by founder Johnny Temple. Check out my interview with him here.

Exeunt Wonks: Ezra Klein is reportedly leaving the Washington Post and potentially striking out on his own.


Spies Like Us: 
The NSA “doesn’t deny” spying on Congress. Naturally, Rand Paul is suing over NSA surveillance, much to the chagrin of New York’s own favorite windbag, Peter King. The New York Times editorial board weighs in: “The shrill brigade of his critics say Mr. Snowden has done profound damage to intelligence operations of the United States, but none has presented the slightest proof that his disclosures really hurt the nation’s security.” Stay tuned for more, because with Congress, spying, and public outrage in the mix, it’s always something.

From the TBQ Community Around the Internets: 
Over at PoliticoContributing Editor Rob Goodman asked, “What does decline sound like?” and TBQ editorial assistant Gabrielle Lipton gave the New York Times the rundown on ear tattoos.

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